Thirsting in the Desert | Monday Invocation

“The desert is a place of meeting with God if we chose to receive it that way. Whatever you’re going through, whatever you’ve survived, whatever you anticipate dealing with, God is with you in that wilderness and will bring you through just as they brought our spiritual ancestors through.”

- Rev. Erica Lea-Simka

Do you find yourself dry to the bone, burnt out, at the end of your rope? Do you feel soaked to the bone by blood, sweat, and tears? You aren’t alone. People from Genesis-Revelation, throughout Christian history, and even in more contemporary times have turned to the wilderness, especially the desert, to find God in the midst of hardship.

Whether you are deconstructing, reconstructing, or just not sure about your faith, this 2024 Conference breakout session presented by Rev. Erica Lea-Simka, offers some inspiration as we learn together about desert spirituality through Bible stories and stories from people of faith, especially the Desert Mothers and Desert Fathers.

You can watch this session at the link below!

Content Warning: Discussion of suffering and survival, Mention of Suicide 


2025 All That I Am Conference

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Join us in Atlanta, GA on January 23-26, 2025 for our 21st Conference! You will get engage with sessions like this in real time, and so much more. You can learn more and register at the link below!


Reclaiming the Clobber Passages | Monday Invocation