Reclaiming the Clobber Passages | Monday Invocation

“I believe that redemption is one of the most unique and beautiful aspects of the Christian faith. The idea that we can take something that was harmful and make it a symbol for hope. I mean, like, that’s what Jesus did with the cross. It’s wild and it’s beautiful, and it gives me hope that even when I mess up and the times where I have caused people harm, there is grace enough for me to change. And if God is in the business of redeeming us, I believe that God also has to be in the business of redeeming God’s Word.”

- Rev. Kali Cawthon-Freels

Over the years, several theologians, Bible scholars, and lay people have done incredible research to highlight that the infamous clobber passages aren't about demonizing LGBTQ+ people. But what comes next? Are those passages to stay out of our personal lectionaries forever? Or are there soul-nourishing lessons we can take from them once we remove the lens of hate through which we were introduced to them?

Join Rev. Kali Cawthon-Freels as she shares what she's learned from these passages and provides tips for how to engage with the clobber passages in your conversations, small groups, or other ministry settings. Additionally, Kali gives the opportunity to debrief through some group/self reflection questions at the end of the session.

You can watch this 2024 Conference breakout session at the link below!

Content Warning: Sexual Assault, Abuse, Self-harm and/or suicide, Sexism and misogyny, Homophobia and/or Transphobia


2025 All That I Am Conference

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