Affirmation Guide for
Trans & Gender-Expansive Identities
Featuring Taj Smith
Featuring Taj Smith, this Affirmation Guide is designed to counter the idea that transgender and gender-expansive people cannot be Christians.
This guide is also meant to support anyone who is and/or loves someone who is transgender. Taj dives into the Scriptural, theological, and relational affirmation of trans people in this foundational resource. Video content for the guide can be found below.
Q Christian Fellowship has designed 7 foundational resources for our community: the Affirmation Guide for Sexuality and Spirituality, Affirmation Guide for Trans & Gender-Expansive Identities, Relational Guide for Clergy, Relational Guide for Parents of Newly Out LGBTQ+ People, Affirmation Guide for Prospective LGBTQ+ Seminarians, Relational Guide for Allies, and an Affirmation Guide for LGBTQ+ College Students.
Recommended Contribution: $18 per Download
Manual de Afirmación
La Identidad Transgénero la Diversidad de Género
“Whether you identify as transgender or consider yourself a cisgender ally, this guide aims to help you find resources for spiritual comfort and affirmation. Regardless of your church affiliation (or non-affiliation) or your political leanings, there is something in this guide for everyone with ties to the transgender community. Its existence is a sign of hope for trans people seeking comfort in their Christian faith.”
Trans & Gender-Expansive Identities eCourse
Video 1
Video 2
Scriptural & Theological Affirmation
Video 3
Life in Community
Video 4
Video 5