Our Team

Bukola Landis-Aina


Executive Director

Bukola (she/her/hers) is a first generation Nigerian-American who was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. She grew up attending youth group and Pioneer girls in Baptist and nondenominational churches. As a young adult, she was also a member at Pentecostal and Presbyterian churches. Denomination was never a focus for her. Just Jesus. Bukola is a patent attorney, having studied Chemical Engineering at MIT and law at NYU. She was very active in Intervarsity at both schools. She is ordained as a deacon in her church, Riverside Baptist, where she leads the fellowship and social events team.

Joining the organization in 2012, she found a rainbow-hued oasis that reflected the fullness and diversity of the Gospel. Bukola can often be found playing tackle football, skiing, mentoring high-school students, bringing people together, eating skittles, hosting weary travelers and planning her next getaway. She lives in Washington, D.C. with her wife, Tonetta, and their son, Temitayo.

Carter Kelly


Operations Director

Carter (he/him/his, they/them/theirs, or she/her/hers) grew up in the Roman Catholic Church of suburban New York before leaving Christianity entirely as a teenager. A few mystical experiences in old Russian churches, the lakes of northern Wisconsin, and the persistent tugging of Holy Spirit, called them back to the faith through a Jesus-loving, inclusive United Methodist congregation in Chicago. Yet God was not done with her yet - Carter began to lead small groups where he deepened in faith through transformative relationships. After a few years, they felt Holy Spirit calling again, this time into ministry and a few gentle nudges from friends and family convinced him to go to seminary.

Carter lives in Chicago, Illinois and enjoys taking people to her favorite restaurants, getting in over their head in DIY-ing, watching horror movies, and reading Afrofuturist speculative fiction.


Aiden Nathaniel Diaz


Communications Director

Aiden Nathaniel Diaz (he/him/él) is a bi-racial (Hispanic & African American) man born and raised in Central Texas. Growing up, Aiden went to a small Black United Methodist Church before going to college and getting involved with the Wesley Foundation at Texas State University. Since then, he has served in various churches and ministries.

Aiden is a graduate of Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and holds his Masters of Divinity. While there, he was elected as the first Hispanic and first transgender Student Body President. Additionally, he found many opportunities to integrate technology and art into his course work — challenging the ways that we talk about and experience God. Aiden finds great love in researching community and digital theology while serving in a ministry context.

He can often be found working on a new creative project, visiting local swimming holes and parks, learning jiu-jitsu or playing the bass or violin. He now lives in the Midwest with his partner Kimberlee and their four pets, Willie, Dudley, Tobias, and Gilbert.

Mick Atencio


Program & Development Director

Mick Atencio (they/them) is a queer, neurodivergent, and trans nonbinary artist and theologian. They are passionate about queer liberation, care for neighbor, and honoring the creative spirit in every person they meet. Mick graduated with their Masters of Divinity degree at Virginia Theological Seminary in 2024, with their thesis and cumulative capstone focusing on the elemental forces in biblical creation narratives and poems. They love worship music, visual art, and poetry, have been published by Wipf & Stock, enfleshed and Sojourners, and currently reside in Chicago, Illinois with their husband Mitchell. In their free time, Mick enjoys baking, thrift shopping, learning how to play tennis, and creating art in various mediums


Timothy Green


Design Coordinator

Timothy Green (he/they) is a graphic designer and multimedia artist with a passion for creating things that are purposeful, unique, and spark meaningful conversation. They received their BFA in Studio Arts with an emphasis in graphic design from Biola University. He makes consciously, and with the knowledge that art and design are powerful tools that have the power to create change. Their work primarily explores topics around mental health and power structures through the lens of capitalism, sustainability, queer politics, and religion. He currently lives in Kansas City, Missouri.

Samantha Hasty


Program Manager

Pastor Samantha Hasty (she/her) grew up in Southern Baptist fundamentalism as a queer, neuro-spicy, outspoken woman and found her people along the way as she healed from spiritual traumas and reclaimed a faith that is all her own. She graduated from Earlham School of Religion in 2018 with a Masters of Divinity in Pastoral Ministry and is currently working on her Doctor of Ministry degree. Samantha is the very proud mama to Micaiah and wife of Kellie. She is the founding and current pastor at Pitch in Theology. Samantha is excited to journey with the QCF community as the Program Coordinator.


Board of Directors

A headshot of Carrie wearing a blazer and yellow earrings.

Carrie N.


Carrie N. is an educator, administrator and artist who has spent the last 23 years working in, and consulting with, education institutions, small companies, government and NGOs. Carrie has a BFA in Sculpture, an MA in Teaching and an MA in Media Studies. They are also completing a MA in Consciousness Studies and Transpersonal Psychology with a research focus on intersubjectivity in groups, and is currently enrolled in a MS in Organizational Change Management with a focus on authenticity in leadership.

Over the years Carrie has been involved in campus ministry, local church leadership and regional gatherings. They are a coach and a consultant with spiritual leaders and workers, artists, educators and business executives. Inquiry and curiosity are at the center of the work they do.

Carrie was introduced to Q Christian in 2018 and is pleased to be a new member of the board as of December 2019. They are passionate about creating equitable and inclusive spaces and is stoked to be working with Q as their values align.

Lauren Horneff


Lauren Horneff is the Treasurer for the Board of Directors at Q Christian Fellowship with over 21 years of experience as a CPA specializing in not-for-profit organizations. She has been involved with LGBTQ+ Christian organizations since 2018. She developed a passion for advocating for LGBTQ+ acceptance in Christianity when she heard from many in her community that left the Church because they were not accepted. She is also a graduate of The Reformation Project’s LGBTQ Christian leadership development program. Lauren is from the Washington, DC, area.


The Rev. Asa David Coulson


Asa is an Episcopal priest currently serving at Grace Church in Madison, New Jersey (a NYC suburb) and has been engaged with the QCF community for more than 15 years. Prior to his priesthood, Asa was active in leadership at Methodist, Pentecostal, and Presbyterian churches. Before entering parish ministry Asa was an executive with both retail and publishing companies in Saint Louis and Nashville, as well as an oncology chaplain and grief counselor outside Philadelphia. As an Associate of the monastic Order of the Holy Cross he is drawn to help others discover the joy of spiritual formation and community.

Asa earned his Master of Divinity from Lancaster Theological Seminary, completed a postgraduate program at Bexley Seabury Theological Seminary, and his internship and residency programs at Penn State Medical Center. Asa is currently a doctoral student at Drew University, in the writing and research phase.

Asa is a huge soccer fan, an admitted LEGO addict, and a camping/hiking enthusiast, having visited scores of locations in the National Parks System. Asa lives with his adorable canine kid, a 9 year old vizsla named Asher Dominic. Keep up with Asa and Asher on Twitter and Instagram by following @KingAsa.

Min. Darren Calhoun


Darren Calhoun is a justice advocate, worship leader, and photographer based out of Chicago. He works to bridge connections between people of differing perspectives through story and relationship.

Currently, Darren leads worship at Urban Village Church and serves in multiple capacities with organizations like Evangelicals for Social Action, The Center for Inclusivity, and The Reformation Project. He also sings with a progressive Christian band called The Many. He’s facilitated workshops and led worship for many Annual Conferences. 

Darren brings with him an intentional focus on the church being inclusive of a diversity of people and expressions as an authentic reflection of the Kingdom of God. Lastly, Darren is an extrovert who loves hugs. Follow him on social media at @heyDarren or through his blog, DarrenCalhoun.com.


Christopher Dowling-Magill


Christopher (he/him) grew up in small-town Texas, active in both Evangelical and Catholic ministry. He received his BA in Economics from the Catholic University of Dallas. He spent the first 10 years of his adult life serving in full-time ministry, mostly in fundraising and donor relations. During this time, he was surviving intense conversion therapy and living a double-life in failed adherence to a toxic sexual ethic and narrow theology.

In July 2018, at the "rock-bottom" of his attempts to change his orientation, during 6 weeks of inpatient psychological treatment, Christopher discovered the Q Christian Fellowship website. Ironically, as a nonprofit worker, he was first drawn to QCF's "Board and Staff” webpage and was captivated by the biographies of ministry leaders and professionals who integrated their sexuality and spirituality, then served in leadership at QCF. After returning home from treatment, he promptly came out, and never looked back.

Christopher joined QCF staff part-time in Fall 2019 as Development Manager, while still in his public coming out process as a full-time employee of a non-affirming church. As he began speaking out about his conversion therapy, he promptly lost his full time ministry job in March of 2020. 

Christopher served on QCF staff for 3 years, during which time he met his now-husband at the 2021 Virtual Conference. After his time on staff, Christopher served 2 more years as a Development Committee volunteer, until he joined the board in Fall 2024.

Robin Huey


Robin Huey (she/her) is a 5th-generation Chinese American with roots in the San Francisco Bay Area. She works as a marketer and PMP-certified project manager across the tech, sports, and video game industries with contributions to campaigns underscored by awards from the Entertainment Marketing Association, Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences, and more. Some notable brands she’s worked with include Power Rangers, Tomb Raider and the San Francisco 49ers—with a personal highlight of contributing to the launch of the first LGBTQ+ fan community started by an NFL club. Her work in marketing was inspired by travels in her youth, where she observed the global impact of entertainment and media on societal trends and attitudes, which catalyzed a career goal of positively influencing representation of more diverse stories. She is passionate about causes that seek social goodness. Robin began attending church in college and later became interested in the intersection of LGBTQ+ and Christian spaces. She held leadership roles with the Faith Justice Network (formerly Newbigin House of Studies)—serving as a Cohort Leader and participating as a lay Fellow—and 49ers Women’s Employee Resource Group "Women Connect"—as Board Chair, Women of Color Committee Lead, and Treasurer. She is excited to be applying her leadership experiences to QCF and continuing to seek social good by extending the table at QCF to help everyone belong.


Daniel Perez


Daniel Samuel is a Consumer Insights and Marketing Strategy professional working for Bimbo Bakeries USA, a global baked goods manufacturer.  He graduated with a BS Chemical Engineering degree from the University of the Philippines, after which he decided to start his adventure and worked as a soap and skin care R&D Scientist in Beijing, China. From there, he moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan to pursue his MBA at the University of Michigan where he focused on marketing and strategy. Opportunity brought him to Southeastern Pennsylvania to work for his current employer. There he is actively involved with the AAPI and Pride employee resource groups as well as other Diversity, Equity and Belonging work. He also volunteers with Entrepinayship (BIPOC women entrepreneurship nonprofit) and has just finished his term on the board of the Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger.

Born in the bustling Quezon City, Philippines, he now resides in and calls Philadelphia, PA home with his senior dog Bruce. In his free time, he plays volleyball, sings with the Philadelphia Gay Men’s Chorus and writes short stories and essays as a hobby. 

Linda Robertson


Linda Robertson (she/her) is a wife and mother of four children, one of whom came out to her as a 12-year-old, then tragically died a death of despair when he was only twenty. Since then, she has spent countless hours listening to and learning from LGBTQ+ and BIPOC individuals, and hopes to continue doing that for the rest of her life. She wrote a short essay that went—unintentionally—viral in 2013, Just Because He Breathes, about her own culpability in the death of her son, and since then, has continued to speak and write about what she has learned from Ryan’s life and death.

Linda has been involved with QCF since 2014 when she and her husband were keynote speakers at the Chicago Conference. She is something of a professional volunteer: While she worked regularly for several years with a non-profit serving people with HIV/AIDS in the Capitol Hill area of Seattle, WA, she founded a team at her own church to do the same thing in 2010, and is still very involved today. She leads the QCF Parent Team as well as several groups for parents of LGBTQ+ kids, focusing on teaching them to deeply connect with their children, as well as doing one-on-one coaching and mentoring.

Linda believes that encouraging and empowering parents to do the work required to reflect Christ’s truly unconditional Love to their LGBTQ+ children is a powerful way to reach families who would otherwise do as she and her husband did: reject the inherent and immeasurable beauty and unique value of their child out of fear of God’s condemnation and judgment. She is more than a little enthusiastic about continually learning about how psychology and brain science can teach us about how to nurture secure attachment and meaningful emotional intimacy in relationships, as well as about advocating on a public and personal level for marginalized groups.


The Rev. Paul-Anthony Turner


Paul-Anthony loves God and finds his deepest fulfillment in helping others to connect with God in deeper ways. He served as a pastor in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, the church of his upbringing, until he was let go for coming out. He is now an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Paul-Anthony is over halfway through his PhD in Philosophy program at the University of Kentucky, where he studies hermeneutics and postmodern theories of truth. He is passionate about guiding people to think in nuanced ways about truth and to reconsider how we might interpret the various “texts” of life in a way that is honest, imaginative, and non-dogmatic.

Paul-Anthony has completed two marathons, and you can find him most any day working out in the gym, listening to Star Wars audiobooks (big fan), or vibing to Stevie Wonder and PJ Morton. But his favorite pastime is laughing and goofing off with his friends.

Bobbi Ullinger


Bobbi identifies as a non-binary, gender fluid transwoman. Her pronouns are her/she, just like the chocolate bar. Bobbi met and married her wife, Cathy, in college, and they have lived in Kent, OH, home of Kent State University for 48 years. In 2007, Bobbi shocked Cathy with the news that she is transgender. Still very much in love, they worked to be committed to their marriage as Bobbi slowly transitioned over the following 15+ years. Bobbi has facilitated peer support groups for the transgender community both in person and online, as well as the Q Christian Fellowship community group for persons in mixed orientation marriages. She is on the board United Christian Ministries at Kent State University, and has spoken to both undergrad and graduate level college classes and church groups, and has lobbied local and state law makers for LGBTQ rights. As an active member of The Church in Silver Lake (UCC), Bobbi has lead Bible studies and book discussion groups, and is honored to preach at Sunday morning services a couple times a year. Bobbi is the proud parent of 5 adult kids (their youngest is gay), and Pap Paw to 7 grandkids. She is a retired firefighter/paramedic, and currently works for an audio production company where she makes rock bands loud.