Our Center

Q Christian Fellowship models radical belonging in God’s family.

Following the example of Jesus who invited people from all walks of life, Q Christian Fellowship practices hospitality with people across the spectrum of identities and beliefs.

The Bible swells with stories of unlikely communities finding connection beyond disagreement because they were centered by their love of God and love of neighbor as themselves. Like estuaries which teem with life despite the unlikely mixture of salt-water and fresh-water inhabitants, we believe protecting differences is integral to cultivating healthy communities, healthy families, and healthy selves. In all things, we strive to model the diversity and richness of God’s Kingdom.

With trust and bravery we strive to share our true selves, receive one another while embracing our differences, and invite connection within our shared humanity.  In order to seek justice and love mercy, we will strive for reconciliation, pursue anti-racist outcomes, and work towards the creation of equity.

Through fostering growth, community and relational justice, Q Christian Fellowship works to connect all of us with God’s ‘Good News.’

We invite you to find belonging here.

Our Values

  • Model radical belonging

  • Practice hospitality

  • Connect beyond disagreement

  • Protect differences

  • Share our true selves

  • Strive for reconciliation

  • Pursue anti-racist outcomes

  • Work towards equity

En Español

Community Ethos

At Q Christian Fellowship, we expect our community members to participate in cultivating the beautiful space of radical belonging that we all desire to experience. With God as our center, Christ as our model, and the Holy Spirit empowering us, we all commit to pursuing growth as described in our Community Values video below.

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