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Community Groups

Our next round of Community Groups will be opening on November 6th. We would love to celebrate and declare the season of Advent with you. Join us! Stay connected with our newsletter for more information to come.

Registration is free.

You’re no longer wandering exiles. This kin-dom of faith is now your home. You’re no longer strangers or outsiders. You belong here, with as much right to the name “Christian” as anyone.

Ephesians 2:19

The Message Translation


First Sundays at 7PM ET

Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion Learning Group

Open to Allies

Every month, our Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion meetings take place virtually. Facilitated by Board Members Darren Calhoun and Carrie N., this is an opportunity to be in a learning, discussion, and community space.

Led by: Carrie N. (they/she) & Darren Calhoun (he/him)

Register Now >
This group is a year round group and registration will not close.



Tuesdays at 6:30PM ET

Catholicism and Sexuality

6 Week Group: Starts October 8th
Group is full.
Waitlist will stay open until September 30th.

This group, a collaboration between QCF and DignityUSA, helps participants seek new ways to understand the intersection between Catholic theology and sexuality. Join us in this LGBTQ-friendly space to explore an affirming path to wholeness and integration that draws upon the Catholic Church’s rich anthropology, philosophy, and traditions.

Led by: Darby DeJarnette (she/her) & Sam Barnes (they/them)

Register Now >


Tuesdays at 8:30PM ET

Poetry Sharing Group

The Poetry Sharing Group gathers to explore the depths of our creativity through writing and sharing poetry with one another. Each session will consist of a group check-in time, a writing prompt drawn from the experiences and ideas of the group, a period of time to write, and the option to share with the group. This group offers a safe and encouraging space for members to express themselves creatively in community.

Led by: Starchild Druid (they/them) & Jazzy Harrison

Register Now >

This group is a year round group and registration will not close.


Tuesdays at 8PM ET

Mixed Orientation Marriage Group

This is an ongoing support group for LGBTQ folks in mixed orientation marriages or partnerships. Members from all walks of life and experiences with mixed orientation marriages meet each week to share stories and connect with one another. This group is open to anyone who has previously completed the 10-Week Guided Mixed Orientation Marriages Group. To inquire about either group, please reach out to Samantha at samantha@qchristian.org.

Led by: Steve Blinder & Bobbi Ullinger

Email Samantha To Sign Up >
This group is a year round group and registration will not close.



First Wednesday of every month - 8PM ET, All other Wednesdays - 2:30PM ET

Drop-In Support Group for Parents of LGBTQ+ People

This is a weekly meeting for parents whose kids have just come out as LGBTQ, as well as for parents who are struggling to reconcile their faith with their love for their child. We'll be focusing on loving ourselves and our children with Christ's unconditional love.

A safe place to explore the flood of emotions and questions arising when your child comes out as LGBTQ+. Led by parents who "get it," have been where you are, and want to support YOU. No ongoing group commitment required. Drop in to find immediate support. Stay connected as long as you need, come and go as you wish. Sign in or be anonymous. The door is open, come on in!

Led by: Linda Robertson (she/her)

Register Now >
This group is a year round group and registration will not close.


Programming Interest Form

Interested in getting involved in QCF’s Community Group programming? Click the button to get in touch with us! Or, you can register for a group at one of the links above!

God is building a home. They are using us all—irrespective of how we got here—in what They are building. God used the apostles and prophets for the foundation. Now God is using you, fitting you in brick by brick, stone by stone, with Christ Jesus as the cornerstone that holds all the parts together.

Ephesians 2:20-21

The Message Translation