A New Name
The name we started with, while valuable and a meaningful part of our experience as an organization, became limiting to our experiences as not just gay Christians, but a rich plurality of gay, lesbian, bisexual, trans, intersex, questioning, queer, asexual, pansexual, polyamorous, and minority Christians. In 2018, we assumed the title Q Christian Fellowship.
A Consistent Identity
Language matters. We’re the same we’ve always been, but our name better reflects that core, consistent identity.
What does Q Christian Fellowship mean to you?
We asked members of the Q Christian community to answer the question, “What does Q Christian mean to me?” Here are some of their responses.
“Q Christian is a surprisingly diverse group of people bound together by love for God and respect and kindness for one another, both despite and because of our genuine and deeply-held differences. Here, we can be human together. And because we embrace one another on that genuine level, our differences can be better understood, our debates can be more substantive, than we could hope for anywhere else. Or with anyone else. Grace, strength, and wisdom to all who make Q Christian happen. It is an island of authentic warmth and sanity in a cold and bitter sea of strife.”
“[Q Christian Fellowship] was my first contact with any LGBTQ+ community about 2 years ago. I appreciate the space and welcome given to people no matter what their theology, which speaks of giving space for people to make up their own minds. The message boards have been very important ways to connect with others and are often thought-provoking.”
“To me, a Q Christian is one who has successfully and courageously identified as LGBT and Christian. It can be a long and hard road for those of us who have been damaged by the church. But through careful study of the scriptures, a Q Christian is able to accept who they are.”
“As [the Gay Christian Network] it was a life-saver, having been in the closet for years, married with 3 children, now grown up with their own kids. I was totally ignorant about what it meant to be gay and wrestling with my Christianity, trying to reconcile being gay and Christian. I don’t know how I would have got through those first years (2012+) without GCN. Nowadays, I am less in need and only go on to site when I see an interesting discussion pop up, but I shall always be grateful for this site for the wonderful work and opportunity to make connection. Thank you.”