Trans Day of Remembrance

Content Warning: Transphobia & Mentions of Violence

Transgender Day of Remembrance is a day of mourning that is observed annually on November 20th and honors the memory of those who were murdered in acts of anti-trans violence. Advocate and writer Gwendolyn Ann Smith started TDOR in 1999 in honor of Rita Hester. Rita had passed away the year before, and her murder has yet to be solved. Since then, the trans community has honored many across the world who have left this world too soon due to frequent harassment, discrimination, which ultimately led to acts of terror.

Today, we want to hold space for the 320 trans and gender diverse individuals who were murdered worldwide over the last year. Additionally, we hold space for those who were never reported or whose stories are still hidden.

As we mourn our siblings today, may we hold their memory in our hearts and actively seek to uphold the dignity of our trans and gender diverse siblings that are still here with us. Let us commit to lessening the ways that trans individuals are made to feel unwelcome in our faith spaces, local communities, and in our world. Together, we can strive for a world where trans lives are not only safe but celebrated. 

Join us below as we gather together to pray in remembrance today:

Oh Divine One, we come to you today as we hold our trans and gender diverse siblings who have left this world in our hearts. You know their names, even when we do not. You know their stories, even when they are hidden from us. May you hold their spirits in comfort as your beloved children. Let us not forget their light that shined bright when they were here and recognize that they were taken from this world way too soon.

Oh Comforting One, we hold those mourning close for we know that grief is not kind - no matter how long our loved ones have been gone. Give us the persistence and courage to continue to stand up in the face of discrimination and hate. Give us the strength to keep our siblings safe and protected in the ways that we can.

We pray for a world where we do not live in the fear that violence may come one's way. We pray for a world that allows our siblings to stand proud as their full authentic selves. We pray for a world that upholds the dignity of our trans and gender diverse siblings - seeing you in each and every one of their faces. Be with each of us as we strive for a better tomorrow.

We ask this in your name and love.



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