Conversion Therapy Goes Beyond Shock Therapy
Knowing that the phrase “conversion therapy” now carries a lot of baggage, ex-gay ministries have intentionally distanced themselves from the term and rebranded themselves, quite compellingly, as equipping individuals with tools to fight for their own spiritual freedom. “Change-allowing” or “exploration therapy” are a few terms that ultimately boil down to conversion therapy dog whistles. One ex-gay leader asserts that “change-allowing and exploration therapy is largely an effort to bring relational wholeness and wellbeing to people who experience undesired same sex attraction so that they can live ‘normal’ lives…” The troubling implication here is that LGBTQ+ individuals lead an abnormal life of immorality while cisgender, heterosexual individuals live a life of morality rooted in divine order.
The conversion therapy practices we frequently see in a church setting are more subtle and more nuanced than the conversion therapy scenes presented in films like Boy Erased. Ministries may no longer be using ice baths or electroshock therapy to make converts out of queer people. Still, telling them that becoming cisgender or heterosexual is not only possible, but mandated by the Creator of the Universe, is equally powerful and damaging.
This is repeatedly evidenced in the dozens of stories we’ve shared via the UNCHANGED Movement, Q Christian’s response to resurgent ex-gay “ministries” that have reframed and rebranded conversion therapy practices. Story after story recounts the harm of suppression and change-attempts, affirming that God’s liberating love calls us toward the full inclusion and celebration of LGBTQ+ identities and relationships.
Humans crave community and acceptance. They will do just about anything to preserve that sense of belonging, and they will deny themselves, sometimes literally to death, all with good intentions and with the mistaken, if sincere, belief that it is God’s will for their life. When LGBTQ+ people are told again and again by their spiritual mentors and pastors that being LGBTQ+ is wrong and dangerous, they too often believe it. When only one theological viewpoint is mandated by church leaders, it is logically considered to be the only option. This can have dangerous implications. LGBTQ+ Christians so often find wholeness and peace when they stop trying to change who God created them to be.
Robert survived conversion therapy and graciously agreed to share his story with us via UNCHANGED. Click here to read his story.