An Update on Our 2022 Hybrid Conference

We’re so excited for the 2022 Making a Way Conference, happening January 20-23!

In light of current COVID-19 infection rates, we have had to wrestle deeply with balancing a fervent desire for togetherness with the imperatives of safety and access concerning the Conference. Prioritizing the needs of the community, we implemented a survey, and the results were overwhelmingly in favor of proceeding with a Hybrid Conference, including an in-person component, as long as certain safety protocols are in place.

To that end, we have been hard at work aggregating information and your feedback regarding these necessary health and safety protocols. We’re excited to provide you with greater clarity so that you can look ahead to January with confidence and excitement for the opportunity to safely connect, grow, worship, and build community together.

Given current state regulations, the current data regarding the high efficacy of vaccines, and the preferences expressed by the overwhelming majority of community survey respondents, these health and safety policies will be in place (age and medical exemptions apply):

  • All in-person Conference attendees will be required to submit proof of vaccination against SARS-COV-2 by filling out this brief form.

  • All in-person Conference attendees will be required to wear masks at all times in the Albuquerque Convention Center and within the common areas of the Hyatt Regency Hotel.

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These are the accepted formats for proof of vaccination:

  • photo or scan of the vaccination card uploaded to this form

  • your state’s/province’s/nation’s digital card system (i.e. New York’s COVID Safe and Excelsior applications, Apple Wallet, etc.)

We recognize that requiring vaccination may exclude members of some communities more than others. Even considering this, we have determined that the only way that we feel safe to proceed with an in-person component would be to minimize the health risks in these ways. We are working to ensure that the virtual option is a meaningful and inclusive space for all who wish to participate. In order to provide additional accessibility to the Conference, as of today, we are reopening applications for scholarships for virtual attendance.

Throughout the Conference weekend, we will work to ensure there is adequate space for physical distancing. The hall used for General Sessions seats more than 2,000 people, and based on our projections, we currently expect no more than approximately 50-60% capacity, which will provide distancing in seating. We will update these projections periodically. For greater detail on these policies, visit the Conference Health & Safety page!

In addition to these requirements, the Albuquerque Convention Center will have cleaning and safety protocols in place including having additional staff on site to disinfect high touch points, surfaces, and restrooms. We are working with the Convention Center team to ensure smaller rooms are cleaned with a disinfectant “fog” multiple times per day. The Hyatt will abide by their corporate health and safety guidelines, outlined on their website here.

As with all plans made since the beginning of the pandemic, these guidelines are subject to change based on state policies and CDC guidance. We will be transparent about policy changes while continuing to monitor public health regulations and guidelines in the state of New Mexico.

Stay tuned for some exciting announcements in the coming weeks! We have more to share on Affinity Gatherings, Breakout Sessions, worship, and so much more. We can't wait for January!

With gratitude,

The Team at Q Christian Fellowship


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