A Reflection for the New Year

The new year can often be a time for reflection, both good and bad. We may dwell on past mistakes or goals missed, lamenting how this year didn’t live up to our expectations. Perhaps we've lost relationships, opportunities, or a sense of stability.

Graphic for the reflection.

This past month in particular has been one of difficulty, where songs of celebration and joy and gratitude may feel discordant with the reality of our lives—a reality where a pandemic has left us distant from loved ones for another year, struggling to adjust back to the policies of earlier months as stricter regulations again become relevant.

In the midst of all that's happening around us, we may be filled with grief, impatience, or even anger. It is easy, especially in these darkest months when the days are short, to focus on how far we have yet to go, how much we might have lost, and lose sight of how far we have already come.

In this season, we adorn our homes with small lights and candles to sustain us through the darkness around us. Similarly, take some time to reflect on the peaceful and positive moments you’ve had this year—no matter how small or insignificant they may seem. The simplest acts of care for yourself are meaningful, especially in the middle of this health crisis. Take joy in your little steps of progress, in the everyday successes that are so easy to overlook, not least of all being that you are here.

As you read the excerpt below, remember that you are fearfully and wonderfully made by a Creator who does not lose sight of us in the darkness. Sometimes just getting out of bed is enough. Sometimes just being is enough. Beloved, you are enough.

An Excerpt from Just As You Are, You Are Enough by Marisa Donnelly

This is your reminder that you, in your skin, in your natural state, in simply being—are enough. 

You don’t have to shape or change. 

You don’t have to be perfect, pushing away every mistake and blemish and bruise. 

You don’t have to beat yourself up for mistakes of the past, for the times you lost your way, for the way you doubt, even when you know doubt is filled with lies…

You are enough. 

Let that be the phrase you repeat, the words that echo in your head as your head hits the pillow tonight. Disregard the negativity that people pour upon you, ignore the doubt-filled voices in your head. Walk in your identity of worth, of self-love, of forgiveness, of faith.

You are stronger than you realize, and far more deserving of all that you’ve convinced yourself you’re not.


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