Sharing My Story for National Coming Out Day

I remember sitting home alone one October evening four years ago feeling like I was standing at the edge of a cliff. I needed to take a step of faith over that edge, but I had no clue what was waiting after the fall. I had spent the past decade holding onto a secret that I kept brushing aside because I had no idea what the impacts of revealing that secret would be. On some level, I knew of my queerness from an early age. However, I wanted to color between the lines and follow the clear path set before me and not disappoint the people I loved. That meant being gay did not feel like an option. But something changed that October evening. I was no longer willing to deny that part of myself.

Up until then I didn’t know any gay Christians. At that moment, it felt like I was the only person trying to straddle that line of queerness and Christianity and an extremely lonely life and journey lied ahead of me. I remember praying to God that evening, saying, “If we are really going to do this, please show me the LGBTQIA+ Christians because I can’t do this alone.” And my prayers were answered. The next day, a friend from undergrad shared an Instagram post from an organization called Q Christian Fellowship. I remember a weight being lifted from my shoulders. These were the people I was looking for. Q Christian unlocked a world of possibility that I was so desperately hoping and yearning for. That post would change the rest of my life.

A few months later, I attended my first Q Christian conference. I witnessed what it was like worshipping in a diverse, loving, and affirming environment. I remember thinking that this is what the kingdom of God on earth looks like. People from all different beliefs, backgrounds, identities, from across the world worshiping together. Worshiping a God who loves each one of us and who celebrates when we live into who were intentionally made to be.

Psalm 139 says, “For it was you who formed my inward parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well.” This passage has been very close to my heart throughout my coming out journey. Only when I learned to celebrate the person God created me as was I truly able to know the loving and wonderful Creator that God is.

Four years ago, being in seminary and serving in a church as an openly gay person alongside my amazing partner of two years felt like a dream. But coming out did not condemn me to a life of loneliness nor threaten my Christian identity. Instead, I can now serve as my full divinely created and God ordained self. I am one of many queer Christians who have redefined what being the Church in the world is. A people who constantly point me back to a God who sees us for who we are and loves us. Today, I know I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Truly wonderful are the works of God, and I know this well.

Anthony Lancaster
QCF Young Adult Pod Member

So many people like Anthony have been connected to affirming community and support through Q Christian Fellowship. Will you donate to support this life-changing ministry on this National Coming Out Day? 

Through the month of October, each first-time gift of any amount unlocks an extra $100 donation in matching funds, up to $3,000!


Audre Lorde | LGBTQ+ History Month


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